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Louisville Sailing Club

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  • Join one of our active one-design racing fleets.

  • Enjoy unrivaled river access for social or competitive sailing

  • Find your love for sailing in a low-stakes & low barrier to entry environment
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About Us

The Louisville Sailing Club was established in 1955 and its riverfront properties were purchased at this same time. Charter members numbered seventeen persons, most of whom were formerly members of Louisville Turners. Their purpose in founding the club is described in the Articles of Incorporation:

> to promote sailing in all its branches for its members

> to provide a meeting place and other facilities for club members and their boats

> to foster a spirit of good fellowship among the members

More About LSC & Fleets

SunFish Fleet

Our Sunfish fleet is one of our longest running and most popular fleets at the club in recent history. Every Tuesday during the season, dozens of sailors launch for a 6pm starting gun. Sunfish are single-handed one-design racing board-boats. Fast, fun, affordable, and scalable for all skill levels. Try it on of our club sunfishes!

Force 5 Fleet

Force 5's are LCS's newest and fastest growing fleet! Similar to Lasers, Force 5s are fast, nimble, and exciting one-design single-handed racing board-boats. Every Sunday, our sailors launch for a 11am starting gun.

Thistle Fleet

Thistles hold a strong legacy at LSC as one of our oldest and longest running fleets. Thistles are typically crewed by 2-3 sailors, have main sail, jib (head sail) and even fly spinnakers. Our Thistle sailors launch every Saturday for 2pm starting gun races. Jump on as crew or take out one of our club Thistles to give it a try!

Wind | Weather | Current | Level

Sailors live and die by the weather. No different on the mighty Ohio River! We take the river serious, and so should any mariner looking for a fun or sporty day out on the water. Know your experience level, plan accordingly, follow USCG regulations and warnings. Plan ahead, stay safe, and have fun!

NOAA Wind & Temperature


USCG River Flow Chart

NOAA velocity Forecast

Welcome to Ohio River sailing! We are here for beginners wanting to test their sea legs and veteran racers. Stop by and say hello!

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7300 Beechland Beach Rd, Prospect, KY 40059

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